Trust me, I know the risks of unlocking the bootloader, and I'm blaming nobody for the issues that have popped up. This is not my first rodeo with an unlocked bootloader. However, I do find it interesting how this phone is responding to the mods. The phone is working after FDR, but it's interesting that my restored ROM was working perfectly, decided to stop working perfectly, and then wouldn't restore at all. I restored cleanly, wiping everything. I simply am trying to find out if anyone else is having the same problems. It's a learning experience, and I'm sharing everything, the good and the bad. If you go through the thread on XDA, there are quite a few people that have had the same issues come up. I don't know why the Gallery stopped working, and I spent quite a while searching Google and trying all the solutions I came across.
If I've inconvenienced anyone else by posting my problems, I apologize.
I'm having the same issues, and I agree. Not blaming anyone. This is not my first phone with an unlocked bootloader either. I've gone through differently a couple times, flashed fresh, restored backups, fast booted back to square one and tried multiple methods trying to see where things are going badly by trail and error. At this point I figure I'll keep looking, and at least by your sharing your experience I know its not something specific to just me. Thank you. I'm sure one of us will figure out what's happening in the near future. In the meantime, its easy enough to go back to square one, so I'll keep poking at it to see what else I can learn. :-).