If this boots, then I am putting it back in BL mode and using HoG again with OTA for 7.1.1 (N6F27M, Oct 2017), which should not require a wipe - so I'll firs do some minor setup on the system image I just flashed, and then do the OTA update and see how that goes.
House of Google [BETA]
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:07 PM
Successful flash, Shamu is ready to setup.
Now to do as I said I was gonna do above.
- SamuriHL likes this
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:10 PM
Log of Factory image flash:
Extracting: D:\HouseOfGoogle\IMAGES\shamu\shamu-ngi55d-factory-1132151d.zip To: D:\HouseOfGoogle\IMAGES\shamu\FACTORY\ extract: image-shamu-ngi55d.zip extract: radio-shamu-d4.01-9625-05.45+fsg-9625-02.117.img extract: bootloader-shamu-moto-apq8084-72.04.img Extract complete. Starting flash... (bootloader) has-slot:bootloader: not found Sending 'bootloader' (4071 KB) OKAY [ 0.153s] Writing 'bootloader' (bootloader) flashing partition ... (bootloader) This may take a few seconds if a (bootloader) different partition table is being (bootloader) flashed since we need to backup (bootloader) and restore a few partitions (bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image... (bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image... (bootloader) flashing aboot ... (bootloader) flashing sbl1 ... (bootloader) flashing rpm ... (bootloader) flashing tz ... (bootloader) flashing sdi ... (bootloader) flashing logo ... OKAY [ 0.699s] Finished. Total time: 0.944s rebooting into bootloader OKAY [ 0.000s] Finished. Total time: 0.000s Sleep 5 seconds for reboot... (bootloader) has-slot:radio: not found Sending 'radio' (115507 KB) OKAY [ 4.224s] Writing 'radio' (bootloader) flashing modem ... (bootloader) flashing mdm1m9kefs1 ... (bootloader) flashing mdm1m9kefs2 ... (bootloader) flashing mdm1m9kefs3 ... (bootloader) flashing versions ... OKAY [ 1.600s] Finished. Total time: 5.915s rebooting into bootloader OKAY [ 0.001s] Finished. Total time: 0.001s Sleep 5 seconds for reboot... extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM... -------------------------------------------- Bootloader Version...: moto-apq8084-72.04 Baseband Version.....: D4.01-9625-05.45+FSG-9625-02.117 Serial Number........: ZY222X6Z3C -------------------------------------------- Checking product OKAY [ 0.002s] Checking version-bootloader OKAY [ 0.002s] Checking version-baseband OKAY [ 0.004s] extracting boot.img (8 MB) to disk... took 0.026s (bootloader) has-slot:boot: not found archive does not contain 'boot.sig' archive does not contain 'dtbo.img' archive does not contain 'dt.img' archive does not contain 'odm.img' archive does not contain 'product.img' archive does not contain 'product-services.img' extracting recovery.img (13 MB) to disk... took 0.036s (bootloader) has-slot:recovery: not found archive does not contain 'recovery.sig' archive does not contain 'super.img' extracting system.img (1544 MB) to disk... took 9.297s (bootloader) has-slot:system: not found (bootloader) has-slot:system: not found archive does not contain 'system.sig' archive does not contain 'vbmeta.img' archive does not contain 'vendor.img' (bootloader) slot-count: not found Sending 'boot' (8497 KB) OKAY [ 0.400s] Writing 'boot' OKAY [ 0.168s] Sending 'recovery' (13887 KB) OKAY [ 0.507s] Writing 'recovery' OKAY [ 0.219s] Sending sparse 'system' 1/4 (522524 KB) OKAY [ 19.637s] Writing sparse 'system' 1/4 OKAY [ 7.582s] Sending sparse 'system' 2/4 (517601 KB) OKAY [ 19.474s] Writing sparse 'system' 2/4 OKAY [ 7.009s] Sending sparse 'system' 3/4 (508949 KB) OKAY [ 19.275s] Writing sparse 'system' 3/4 OKAY [ 7.137s] Sending sparse 'system' 4/4 (32756 KB) OKAY [ 1.251s] Writing sparse 'system' 4/4 OKAY [ 0.404s] Rebooting Finished. Total time: 95.398s
- SamuriHL likes this
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:13 PM
That's a beautiful log you got there. Here's a question...was it updating the status window while it was flashing? You may not have been watching the device and matching it up to the window so that's ok but I'm trying to gauge how "real time" the update of the UI is now. It SHOULD be spot on and show updates as they happen and not delayed. You're going to love the OTA experience.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:17 PM
It updated everything except when it was flashing /system - those appeared all at once, IIRC. I honestly thought the thing had died for a moment.
I saw this in the 'log' window during that time:
OKAY [ 1.600s] Finished. Total time: 5.915s rebooting into bootloader OKAY [ 0.001s] Finished. Total time: 0.001s Sleep 5 seconds for reboot...
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:19 PM
Successful flash to latest via OTA on the Shamu. Log:
Rebooting to recovery... Sideload in progress. Total xfer: 2.00x Sideload complete.
- SamuriHL likes this
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:20 PM
That's something I'll have to work on then cause that shouldn't be happening. Each one of those commands is a separate process and should be updating the textbox in real time. I don't know how I'm going to figure that one out. The OTA is definitely real time as you'll see what I've done for that.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:20 PM
Did you like the pretty status bar?
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:20 PM
Verified on phone - Oct security patch and build number (N6F27M) instead of the Sept factory image that I first installed.
I call this a success.
- SamuriHL likes this
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:23 PM
That's something I'll have to work on then cause that shouldn't be happening. Each one of those commands is a separate process and should be updating the textbox in real time. I don't know how I'm going to figure that one out. The OTA is definitely real time as you'll see what I've done for that.
Thing is, though, in an earlier version where it was flashing /system I was getting real-time updates - just as if I had used Flash-all. So, I may hhave to try again and double verify it did all appear at once, or if there was simply a wait period there and I missed something - doubtful I did though, because when using flash-all, flashing the 4 /system parts usually takes over an entire minute by itself....
Did you like the pretty status bar?
Progress bar?
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:30 PM
Thing is, though, in an earlier version where it was flashing /system I was getting real-time updates - just as if I had used Flash-all. So, I may hhave to try again and double verify it did all appear at once, or if there was simply a wait period there and I missed something - doubtful I did though, because when using flash-all, flashing the 4 /system parts usually takes over an entire minute by itself....
Progress bar?
You don't understand...0.5 and higher was a major rewrite of the code so anything it "did in an earlier version" is a mute point. The way it works now is wildly different. I've just gone through and cleaned up some stuff that might help. We'll see. I have the luxury of running it in the Studio so I get to see the console window when I run. And I can tell you, until I just cleaned it up, it was displaying a LOT more info to me than it was that status textbox.
Yes, the progress bar. I wired it up to the OTA update process.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:40 PM
Helluva code rewrite for one day dude.
Progress bar was very nice. I appreciated it.
Posted 01 March 2019 - 03:51 PM
Thanks. I'm just glad it's all working. This weekend will be a refactoring so another round of testing will be in order at some point to ensure all functionality is still working properly. After that I'll start prioritizing the things I want to add to it. Remember, advanced stuff won't come til after an initial release for flashing stock factory and ota images. I want a tool average Joe can use to flash their device with minimum effort. The one thing I will add after the refactoring is handling platform tools. That code won't take more than an hour to write. It'll grab the latest and extract the files it needs out of it into HouseOfGoogle\TOOLS. If that directory doesn't exist, it'll force a download. That should give you a clue of how to ensure you have the latest. It's not terribly difficult code to write I just haven't gotten around to it. I want to refactor my downloading code first. The UI is "good enough" for a beta at this point. It's not great and needs some attention for a real release. But I do want to get other people playing with it soon. I'd say we're close.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 01 March 2019 - 04:04 PM
Yup - I'm not at all surprised that you want to internally handle platform tools DL and install - it will make life so much easier overall.
I won't have a backup SIM from Fi this weekend, but I do hope to have it sometime soon. I've also gotten my USB 3.0 (Type A) cable to USB Type-C to work with both devices - the Type-C to micro USB adapter works perfectly fine when used with adb and fastboot and connected to my USB 3.0 ports. Not a glitch, and the new adapters are doing a better job of interfacing with the faulty USB port on the Shamu.
This has a lot of potential. Can't wait to play some more
- SamuriHL likes this
Posted 01 March 2019 - 04:07 PM
I have functionality coming that'll make your life easier. At least potentially. It will be in everyone's best interest when using this tool to only have *ONE* Android device connected to their machine. Especially after I build the new functionality I want. Cause what's coming is going to be very nice for both the OTA and factory crowds.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 01 March 2019 - 07:03 PM
Funny you mention that - I was wondering how adb handles having more than one device attached simultaneously....
Posted 01 March 2019 - 07:12 PM
Poorly. Don't do it.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 02 March 2019 - 12:57 PM
Lol. Didn't pan to, unless there was something / some way specific to work with the device intended.
Back when I tried fooling around with adb over network, it was tied to the IP or MAC, one of the two, making it a lot easier to distinguish.
I suppose with multi-device on a direct connection via USB, it is tied to the serial.
Posted 02 March 2019 - 02:11 PM
It is but it's code I don't feel like writing. I've not done anything today. I might work on some stuff tonight. We shall see.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 02 March 2019 - 08:40 PM
Round 1 of refactoring is done. I got most of the non-UI code out of the UI. LOL. Still more work to be done but it taught me about delegates which are scary kuel things.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
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