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Using the Site Efficiently/Effectively & Replying to Multiple Posts

note search research find track follow like reply

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#1 exsquid



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Posted 27 July 2018 - 11:12 AM

Wow... so twice I wiped out everything I wrote before posting this. :( It's too bad a draft isn't saved during this process; it's not the first time I've done this here and incredibly frustrating after writing quite a bit... now I remember why I wrote messages in other programs and then copied them over. LOL *sigh* Probably the forum gods way of telling me to be concise and stop flapping my gums. Part of the reason I write so much in one post is that a long time ago I participated in another forum that frowned on members attempting to increase their post count with lots of short entries.


Bookmarking and Searching:

Any advice for keeping track of posts that I want to recall later? The “Follow this topic” button doesn’t really help if there are hundreds of posts throughout several pages of a topic. The “Like this” button on a specific post is the most obvious and useful so far, but I’m mulling over the repercussions. It certainly seems to indicate public support/approval of the post and increment the green box in the profile. What if I feel contrary to the post though and yet I still want to bookmark it for later? I certainly don't want to encourage a poster stating, "Killing babies is a great hobby!", but I might want to flag it for later when the topic of "Moral Deficiency" arises.


While searching, I’ve encountered a few peculiar situations:

Before I posted

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, I was searching for “.15” and got “No results”. However, later on I came across posts that had that exact search term in it! Am I doing something wrong?


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This next issue only occurred while using Advanced Search with “Forums” selected under “Search in section”. At one point I thought I thought I wasn’t using the filters right and selected all entries under “Find in forum” filter. In this particular scenario, even if there are No Results, clicking on any other option under “By content type”, “Sort by”, or “Order” results in an error. If the search returns results amounting to more than one page, clicking on any result is OK, but attempting to select any other page, next, or last returned the same error as well. Obviously I'm overloading something, so… like the patient that goes to the Dr. and says, "it hurts when I touch here", and the Dr. says, “then don’t touch there!”, I don’t highlight everything anymore.


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In my search results, clicking the topic title takes me directly to the first occurring instance of my search term in that post and conveniently highlights the rest on that page and subsequent pages. However, there are times where there are several pages before the next instance. Is there a quicker way than to keep clicking through pages and using the browser “Find” option?


Replying to more than one topic/post related to the same subject:

I know I received…

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advice somewhat related to this, but out of respect, I’d still like to double check with you members that have dedicated and sacrificed so much for this site. I’ve ran across a variety of threads, topics, posts, and replies that are closely related or even the same. My thoughts are that if I reply with the same thing to all those, I’d just be repeating myself and resurrecting old topics anyways (and spamming my post count). However, some members may be still following that topic and appreciate the contribution to their thread. Is there a way to accomplish this to everyone’s satisfaction or should I just keep my trap shut?


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: note, search, research, find, track, follow, like, reply

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