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[SPOILERS] Ant-Man and the Wasp

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#1 SamuriHL


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 10:37 AM


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#2 SamuriHL


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 10:45 AM

Fantastic movie.  We know a few things:


1) He's been on house arrest for 2 f***ing years since he helped "Cap" in Germany.

2) Hank and Hope didn't know about him helping "Cap".  WOOPS!  Boy are they pissed!!

3) Quantum entangled with Janet.  That was neat

4) New Ant-Man and Wasp suits....his kinda sucks LMAO


Ghost was pretty kuel.  I liked her character.  They're saving her for future MCU stuff.  Obviously given the mid-credit scene they didn't exactly achieve the goal of getting the quantum energy to fix her permanently.  WOOPS.


Now, let's talk about that end scene for a few cause this is where the mega-spoilers are going to come from going forward......


Scott enters the quantum realm to retrieve the quantum energy to fix Ghost.  While he's there, Thanos snaps his fingers and Hank, Janet, and Hope get nuked.  Scott is stuck in the quantum realm.  They left you a REALLY BIG hint as to what happens next if you were paying attention.  Don't get eaten by a tardagrade (uh huh) and......DON'T GET LOST IN A TIME VORTEX.  Especially one that takes you back to the first Avengers movie where Ant-Man teams up with the Avengers in NYC!!!  ;)  That's how Scott will get out and how the timeline will change.  Remember, however, that quantum theory means there are MANY possible universes all co-existing so the one in which Ant-Man shows up in NYC with the Avengers is not the same one in which the events of present day unfolded.  Dr Strange will have to explain it to you if you're not following but it's one of his 14 million possible endings that he talked about in Infinity War.   Captain Marvel will change everything.  I'll be curious to see where she's been all this time.

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#3 JB678


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Posted 14 August 2018 - 06:05 PM

I really enjoyed this movie. Can't wait to see Captain Marvel and Avengers next year.

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#4 JB678


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Posted 14 August 2018 - 08:25 PM

Paul Rudd channeling his inner Michelle Pfeiffer was hilarious. Oh and f*cking seagulls. 🤣

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#5 SamuriHL


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Posted 15 August 2018 - 04:57 AM


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