[Rom][CDMA/GSM][Jb .16] Rage Rom v3.3 *Update* (7/14/2013)
Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:24 AM
Great ROM. I was waiting for a ROM of yours to update to .16 and it was worth the wait.
If you need a tester for the loopy smoothness, let me know.
Keep up the great work!
- ccrsems5 likes this
#322 Guest_BDH_*
Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:39 AM
Hey Gary,
Great ROM. I was waiting for a ROM of yours to update to .16 and it was worth the wait.
If you need a tester for the loopy smoothness, let me know.
Keep up the great work!
I'll send you a PM sometime tomorrow Really glad you're enjoying the build and thank you for sticking with my ROMs. Really means a lot to me to see all you guys/girls still supporting me after all this time!!!!
- ccrsems5 likes this
Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:11 AM
1. What exactly is the purpose/uses for the Apex launcher?
2. What does the CPU Sleeper do?
3. I would love to see what everyone uses for screen shots? Could we get a screenshot option added under the power button options? (May be too difficult, I know nothing about creating a ROM)
Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:05 AM
- riggsdaruler likes this
Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:27 AM
Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:32 AM
Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:36 AM
I flashed it in slot 2 with no problems but I followed the wipe order precisely as outlined by the rom creator in his instructionssir I am new on custom ROM article if o flash this ROM on ROM slot 2 or 3 what will happen ? because my ROM slot 1 installed with another custom ROM...pls I need help frnds
Posted 26 March 2013 - 07:05 AM
I'll send you a PM sometime tomorrow Really glad you're enjoying the build and thank you for sticking with my ROMs. Really means a lot to me to see all you guys/girls still supporting me after all this time!!!!
Same goes for me, I have loved your ROMs for a long time, and I was really glad to see this. You do a great job, and I am having no trouble at all on this. I had a bit of trouble with the previous version, but this went great. Thanks again.
#329 Guest_BDH_*
Posted 26 March 2013 - 08:28 AM
I have a few noob questions for anyone willing to answer them
1. What exactly is the purpose/uses for the Apex launcher?
2. What does the CPU Sleeper do?
3. I would love to see what everyone uses for screen shots? Could we get a screenshot option added under the power button options? (May be too difficult, I know nothing about creating a ROM)
I'll try to answer your ?'s as best I can.
1. The purpose of Apex Launcher is simple. Customization. It's a million times more customizable than the stock launcher and just looks better.
2. CPU Sleeper is an app that shuts down one core on your dual core phone while the screen is off. Then turns it back on when you turn the screen back on.
3. I've never seen the point in the "screenshot button" in the Power Menu. You have to press and hold the power button for a second to get to the Power Menu so why not just hold vol- as well and take the screen shot?
I've been running this ROM for less than 24 hours and it already has the best battery life of any ROM I've flashed, period.
That's my goal Equal balance of speed and functionality, while making the phone have killer battery life. Glad you're liking it and thank you for the kind words!
sir I am new on custom ROM article if o flash this ROM on ROM slot 2 or 3 what will happen ? because my ROM slot 1 installed with another custom ROM...pls I need help frnds
You can flash this Rom and ANY Rom Slot you want. It will still work just as good as any other slot
Same goes for me, I have loved your ROMs for a long time, and I was really glad to see this. You do a great job, and I am having no trouble at all on this. I had a bit of trouble with the previous version, but this went great. Thanks again.
Yeah the previous version v2.2 was giving everyone problems and quite frankly it was driving me crazy trying to get it fixed. Glad you're liking the Rom though and I hope I can put out more stuff for you to enjoy. Oh and check your PMs
- ccrsems5 likes this
Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:08 AM
Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:18 AM
#332 Guest_BDH_*
Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:23 AM
BigDaddyHicks: Thanks for the ROM! Been running it since you released the .16 version and find it to be a great balance of stock/debloat/customizations. While on 2.2 - I started getting an "Unable to send text msg" alert after attempting to send any texts. I wiped and updated to 2.3 and the error persisted. I've been perusing the web and I don't believe the issue has anything to do with the rom itself. What's strange is a hard reboot fixes it temporarily - but it seems to be coming back. Has anyone else experienced this?
As per the OP sir
IF YOU FIND THAT TEXTS OR MMS AREN'T SENDING, GO TO THE DIALER AND ENTER *#*#4636#*#*, THEN SELECT "PHONE INFORMATION" SCROLL DOWN UNTIL YOU SEE THE WORDS "SELECT PREFERRED NETWORK (they're there, trust me). MAKE SURE THE OPTION BELOW THAT IS SET TO "LTE/CDMA/EvDo" then go back to your System Settings and toggle Airplane Mode on then off. (thanks to satman80 and waco for the find )
Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:24 AM
RAGE ROMIF YOU FIND THAT TEXTS OR MMS AREN'T SENDING, GO TO THE DIALER AND ENTER *#*#4636#*#*, THEN SELECT "PHONE INFORMATION" SCROLL DOWN UNTIL YOU SEE THE WORDS "SELECT PREFERRED NETWORK (they're there, trust me). MAKE SURE THE OPTION BELOW THAT IS SET TO "LTE/CDMA/EvDo" then go back to your System Settings and toggle Airplane Mode on then off. (thanks to satman80 and waco for the find )
sankyou, have you tried this step? It comes from the op.
LOL...BDH beat me to the punch.
#334 Guest_BDH_*
Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:25 AM
sankyou, have you tried this step? It comes from the op.
Lol beat you by 1 minute
- Gytole likes this
Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:46 AM
Can't believe I missed that. Nothing like googling an issue before checking the source first. Thanks for the help guys! Just did the steps and texting is working again!Lol beat you by 1 minute
Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:36 AM
Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:43 AM
You can flash this Rom and ANY Rom Slot you want. It will still work just as good as any other slot
Good to know. Op stated ROM Slot 1 ONLY
Will try 'er out on Slot 2
***Worked as mentioned ***
Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:14 AM
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oh34hb7i5f41kkl/mozlV4IWJHSo I accidentally changed the cool default wallpaper.. can't seem to find it to set it back..
Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:20 AM
Sweet, thanks!
Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:22 AM
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