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|RC 1.2| Pi-llama Rom | SmartCpu Control | Smart Battery | 10/07/2013 | ArgenDroid

argentdroid rom custom jelly bean razr i update razr i

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#21 batwingnz



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Posted 23 February 2013 - 02:09 PM

Has 4shared always required registration for free downloads?

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#22 yondaime_fenix



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Posted 23 February 2013 - 03:58 PM

so, i've reading and this is just like a patch adding some applications if wrong correct me please, i want to mode the Phone where should i begun.? some book.? or some Page.? someone tell me please =D

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#23 piskr



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 01:51 AM


It's really nice to see the first development of custom JB ROM for Razri. I would like to ask how much is this ROM deblured. Especially does it still has Motorola's Phone.apk or original stock Phone.apk with Internet Calling function integrated? And what about other functionality which either work in previous ICS or are virtually integrated: FM radio, Flashplayer, HDMI? Don't get me wrong, I admire your work as it is and it is really great. Just wonder about possibilities. Thanks you.

#24 max_choco



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 06:37 AM

Has 4shared always required registration for free downloads?

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yes, you need creatte acount ( with facebook , gmail & tweter)

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#25 max_choco



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 06:40 AM

so, i've reading and this is just like a patch adding some applications if wrong correct me please, i want to mode the Phone where should i begun.? some book.? or some Page.? someone tell me please =D

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veo que hablas español =), no son solo parches son muchos ajustes que se deben ir probando y ver que consigues, en el sitio web de argendroid podras encontrar ayuda, con gusto te dare una mano.

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#26 max_choco



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 10:44 AM


It's really nice to see the first development of custom JB ROM for Razri. I would like to ask how much is this ROM deblured. Especially does it still has Motorola's Phone.apk or original stock Phone.apk with Internet Calling function integrated? And what about other functionality which either work in previous ICS or are virtually integrated: FM radio, Flashplayer, HDMI? Don't get me wrong, I admire your work as it is and it is really great. Just wonder about possibilities. Thanks you.

HDMI not tried it, I do not have a connector, fm radio does not work and is not integrated flash player but it works. Even with phone. Apk motorola, had not thought about changing it has given me a great idea, I will try to integrate the AOSP. Agradesco your advice and your criticism

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#27 borg17a



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 12:45 PM

How did you update camera libs? What changes makes the update? Is it possible just to install the libs? How? Where can I get them?

#28 piskr



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 12:57 PM

Oh, it's not criticism at all. As I said you did a great job. But if you could implement into next version original Phone.apk with internet calling instead of Moto one where this functionality is stripped off it would really help a lot.

#29 max_choco



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 01:18 PM

How did you update camera libs? What changes makes the update? Is it possible just to install the libs? How? Where can I get them?

Libraries are the source, there is the get, then compiled with x86 format

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#30 max_choco



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 01:21 PM

Oh, it's not criticism at all. As I said you did a great job. But if you could implement into next version original Phone.apk with internet calling instead of Moto one where this functionality is stripped off it would really help a lot.

No problem, I like criticism, help me to develop as AOSP applications I have, I'll be testing

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#31 yondaime_fenix



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 07:06 PM

veo que hablas español =), no son solo parches son muchos ajustes que se deben ir probando y ver que consigues, en el sitio web de argendroid podras encontrar ayuda, con gusto te dare una mano.

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haha gracias le dare un vistazo y asi apoyarlos en lo que pueda :rolleyes:

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#32 Pangyaaa



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Posted 24 February 2013 - 08:52 PM

First : thank you 4 your development! :-)

Two things.:
- what about deodexing?
-does init.d yet work on v0.2 ??

Please dont stop dev. On razr i ;-)


#33 max_choco



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Posted 25 February 2013 - 04:12 AM

First : thank you 4 your development! :-)

Two things.:
- what about deodexing?
-does init.d yet work on v0.2 ??

Please dont stop dev. On razr i ;-)


I had good experiences with deodex, the problem will be solved with the init.d in the next version (this week)

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#34 paulle



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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:32 AM

is there a possibility to get aworking fm-radio back? it worked in ics but isn't working in jb.

buen trabajo. gracias.

#35 max_choco



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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:52 AM

is there a possibility to get aworking fm-radio back? it worked in ics but isn't working in jb.

buen trabajo. gracias.

yes, i work

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#36 Pangyaaa



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Posted 25 February 2013 - 07:20 AM

I had good experiences with deodex, the problem will be solved with the init.d in the next version (this week)

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Thank you!
I will wait for your update ;-)

#37 borg17a



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Posted 26 February 2013 - 10:14 AM

There is the get??? What does that mean?

Can you make a new thread with improving the camera and publish the libraries and a how-to-install there??? Would be great!

Libraries are the source, there is the get, then compiled with x86 format

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#38 Poeth



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Posted 01 March 2013 - 12:46 PM

Do you recommend me to wait for the update?
:D im wanna installit right now jeje

Ho and a little suggestion, what about a cwm zip intall? Cause a lot of troubles?

Im so happy to see the growing of roms for this amazing phone :D

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#39 max_choco



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Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:13 PM

Do you recommend me to wait for the update?
:D im wanna installit right now jeje

Ho and a little suggestion, what about a cwm zip intall? Cause a lot of troubles?

Im so happy to see the growing of roms for this amazing phone :D

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emm ... happen to me is easier to compile in this way, it's just practicality. I'm trying to improve the framerate of Interfas Motorola, bone would be delivering two versions, one with and the other AOSP style stylish Motorola stock. I would tell you to wait until Wednesday for the new version, since I found Wireless errors between minimal errors.

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#40 Poeth



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Posted 01 March 2013 - 05:51 PM

emm ... happen to me is easier to compile in this way, it's just practicality. I'm trying to improve the framerate of Interfas Motorola, bone would be delivering two versions, one with and the other AOSP style stylish Motorola stock. I would tell you to wait until Wednesday for the new version, since I found Wireless errors between minimal errors.

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Ook, muchisimas gracias :D, veo k ablas español jeje, esperare pacientemente :)

Soy muy gorroso, m permites darte la idea de ke implementes el Cambiar los datos de las apps de la memoria interna a la externa?, es un mod muy usado :), hay un post en xda dond lo implementan, talves lo puedas poner como Extra o algo asi

Muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo :D

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: argentdroid, rom, custom, jelly bean, razr i, update razr i

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