No this is not the place to speak of things. Some judgement calls where made on false information. Dr fully support DH. Everyone's status is being reverted back.
The end result is all the ppl who enjoy Modding there phone. Lets just put this behind us and move forward .
Maybe the ppl that made the "judgement call" should have their status to make such judgement calls...removed. And I say this b/c now we lost an awesome developer and ROM on this site, and sure someone "f%$ked up" and said ooops, sorry we put everything back to normal. But it happened, and who knows if DT will even want to come back now.
I've paid a lot of money to this site to keep ppl like DT around b/c his hard work provides me endless amounts of fun, interests, etc. Now that those people that made the judgement call have ran DT off (and I don't blame him), maybe those people should retire their status to make those calls.