Not sure if I will load, based on connectivity issues by users.
A good test is toggle airplane mode. If your connection comes back, you should be good and it will exploit an issue if it exists.
Also change your settings to OnDemand governor to help with connnectivity.
Data drops while using the device is the most annoying thing. Isn't that the function of a smart phone? If the dang device can't serve it's intended purpose, what good is it?
I did try the airplane mode toggle and every other piece of advice given on the forums. Nothing seemed to work except a reboot of the device. I spent more time trying things than it takes to reboot.
It's annoying, especially since it is a known common frustration that many are experiencing. I am also finding that it is not common to one brand of phone. Seems that it started mostly with the release of ICS and then got worse from there.
I was waiting and hoping that someone would grab the radios from GB and bundle them into ICS. Sounds simple on paper, but I am sure there must have been more to it than that.
My last frustration is the desktop configuration. You would think that the launcher people would realize that their backup and restore functions SUCK when it comes to restoring widgets. Most people use widgets, not app shortcuts. The only launcher I've seen getting it almost right is Nova Launcher. I dread the recreation process of my desktop... Loath it, loath it, loath it! It's probably the most time consuming portion of trying a new ROM.